
Groupon is a website and mobile app that offers coupons, cashback on purchases and group deals to consumers.  The word Groupons a portmanteau of the words group and coupon. The company partners with providers of goods and services by hosting a discount deal and keeping a percentage of the profit as a marketing fee.

Groupon is a website and mobile app that offers coupons, cashback on purchases and group deals to consumers.  The word Groupons a portmanteau of the words group and coupon. The company partners with providers of goods and services by hosting a discount deal and keeping a percentage of the profit as a marketing fee.


Groupon is a website and mobile app that offers coupons, cashback on purchases and group deals to consumers.  The word Groupons a portmanteau of the words group and coupon. The company partners with providers of goods and services by hosting a discount deal and keeping a percentage of the profit as a marketing fee.

Groupon is a website and mobile app that offers coupons, cashback on purchases and group deals to consumers.  The word Groupons a portmanteau of the words group and coupon. The company partners with providers of goods and services by hosting a discount deal and keeping a percentage of the profit as a marketing fee.

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