Olio Piro Produced by master makers Daniele Lepori and Romain Piro and distributed by Romain`s sister Charlotte Piro. It`s both a family business and an international award winner. Recently, granted 2022 Best in the World in the blended, medium fruitiness category by the prestigious FlosOlei Guide, Piro. It will surprise you with a light and nearly effervescent texture, a vivid green tone, and a peppery finish.
Olio Piro Produced by master makers Daniele Lepori and Romain Piro and distributed by Romain`s sister Charlotte Piro. It`s both a family business and an international award winner. Recently, granted 2022 Best in the World in the blended, medium fruitiness category by the prestigious FlosOlei Guide, Piro. It will surprise you with a light and nearly effervescent texture, a vivid green tone, and a peppery finish.
Olio Piro
Olio Piro Produced by master makers Daniele Lepori and Romain Piro and distributed by Romain`s sister Charlotte Piro. It`s both a family business and an international award winner. Recently, granted 2022 Best in the World in the blended, medium fruitiness category by the prestigious FlosOlei Guide, Piro. It will surprise you with a light and nearly effervescent texture, a vivid green tone, and a peppery finish.
Olio Piro Produced by master makers Daniele Lepori and Romain Piro and distributed by Romain`s sister Charlotte Piro. It`s both a family business and an international award winner. Recently, granted 2022 Best in the World in the blended, medium fruitiness category by the prestigious FlosOlei Guide, Piro. It will surprise you with a light and nearly effervescent texture, a vivid green tone, and a peppery finish.